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Effective ChatGPT Phrases for Online Digital Product Marketing

Digital products offer an ideal path for those seeking passive income. As an entrepreneur, you’ll find them easy to develop, and once created, you can enjoy the benefits of continuous sales with very little additional work.

Making Money with Online Sales

For those ready to invest effort, selling products online presents a viable opportunity to generate income.

ChatGPT stands as an invaluable tool for anyone aiming to profit from selling digital products. Below are ready-to-use prompts designed to boost sales in various categories:

  • eBooks

  • Digital Printables

  • Notion Templates

  • Online Courses


Creating an eBook can be a time-intensive task, involving extensive research, planning, and writing. To streamline this process, here are all the necessary ChatGPT prompts to expedite each step.

Planning Your eBook’s Structure

Uncertain about how to organize your eBook? Turn to ChatGPT for guidance. Providing detailed context enhances the quality of assistance you receive.

Prompt: “I’m crafting an eBook on [TOPIC]. It’s tailored for [TARGET AUDIENCE] and aims to assist them in [OBJECTIVE]. The eBook will cover these subjects: [TOPIC 1], [TOPIC 2], etc. I envision it as a practical guide with the following structure: 1. Introduction, 2. First Step, 3. Second Step, 4. Third Step, and so on, culminating in a Conclusion. Could you propose three distinct organizational frameworks for my eBook?”

Crafting Your eBook with ChatGPT

While ChatGPT has the capability to draft your entire book, the key to making it stand out lies in infusing it with your unique insights, opinions, and expertise. This personal touch transforms a generic text into something special. Remember, you’re the expert; ChatGPT is here to assist.

IMPORTANT: Bear in mind that ChatGPT is not flawless. You’ll need to review, proofread, and refine the content to ensure its accuracy, appeal, and professionalism. ChatGPT is a supportive tool, not a substitute for a seasoned ghostwriter.

Employ Targeted Micro-Prompts Instead of requesting ChatGPT to compose entire chapters, ask for specific sections, providing as much detail as you can.

Prompt: “I’m authoring an eBook titled [TITLE]. Craft an engaging introduction for a chapter titled [CHAPTER TITLE]. This intro should captivate the reader and persuade them of the chapter’s crucial significance, especially emphasizing the aspect of [SPECIFIC TOPIC].”

Incorporate Detailed Information Prompt: “I am working on an eBook titled [TITLE]. I need you to create a case study about one of my clients. This case study should be emotive and use storytelling to showcase the impact of my services. Construct the case study based on these specific details: [INSERT CLIENT DETAILS].”

Escape Your Unfulfilling Job Using ChatGPT

Unlock the immense potential of ChatGPT as we guide you on leveraging it to establish businesses and generate online income.

Digital Printables 

Digital printables are versatile online deliverables such as forms, templates, documents, and designs that customers can print themselves. Examples range from checklists, planners, and calendars to lesson plans, coloring pages, and games.

Once you’ve pinpointed your niche, it’s time to ideate product concepts. ChatGPT is an excellent resource for this creative process.

Idea Generation for Printable Digital Products Prompt: “I aim to develop a printable digital product for sale on Etsy, specifically within the [NICHE] niche. Please generate 10 innovative ideas for digital products suitable for this platform.”

Checklist Digital Product Ideas Prompt: “I’m planning to create a printable checklist for sale on Etsy in the [NICHE] niche. Could you suggest 10 compelling checklist ideas that would appeal to Etsy shoppers?”

Calendar Digital Product Ideas Prompt: “My goal is to design printable calendars for Etsy in the [NICHE] niche. I need 10 creative ideas for calendar designs that would resonate with buyers.”

For creating these digital printables, AI tools like Midjourney can be instrumental. Refer to specific guides for detailed prompts on using such tools for Etsy product creation.

Notion Templates 

Notion templates, with their pre-set workflows and structures, present a lucrative opportunity. They’re in demand because they save users time and effort in creating efficient workflows.

To tap into this market and build a passive income stream, ChatGPT can assist you in brainstorming template ideas and functionalities.

Innovative Notion Template Ideas If you’re seeking inspiration for your Notion template, this prompt will jumpstart your creativity.

Prompt: “I plan to design and sell Notion templates online, targeting [TARGET AUDIENCE]. Considering various useful and intriguing templates such as customer feedback trackers, project roadmaps, finance managers, crypto investment logs, productivity tools like Pomodoro Trackers, and content management systems, brainstorm 10 unique Notion template ideas that would cater to my target audience’s needs.”

Habit Tracker 

Templates Assist your audience in developing and sustaining healthy routines by creating Notion habit tracker templates. Use the following prompt to generate a range of habit tracker concepts.

Prompt: “I’m looking to develop 5–10 distinctive Notion habit tracker templates tailored for the [NICHE] niche. Please assist me with ideas.”

Calendar and Scheduler 

Templates Enable your audience to stay organized with a range of Notion calendar and scheduler templates. Utilize this prompt to come up with ideas for diverse types of calendars and schedulers.

Prompt: “Propose 10 different Notion calendar and scheduler templates suitable for the [NICHE] niche. Examples might include content calendars, meal planners, or workout schedulers. What other calendar types would be beneficial in my niche?”

Developing Online Courses 

The shift towards online education is a significant global trend, with the eLearning industry expanding dramatically since 2000.

Expertise isn’t always a prerequisite for creating a course; knowing more than your potential students is often enough. If you possess experience, knowledge, or a deep interest in a particular area, then designing an online course can be a fantastic way to earn additional income.

While crafting a quality course requires considerable effort, ChatGPT can assist in managing some of the more challenging aspects.

Ideation for Niche-Specific Courses If you have a clear niche in mind for your course, ChatGPT can be used to generate a variety of course ideas within that niche.

Prompt: “I am interested in developing an online course within the [NICHE] area. Please assist me in coming up with 5 unique and sought-after course ideas that would appeal to learners of different skill levels and interests.”

Structuring and Outlining Online Courses 

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in designing the structure and objectives of your course, helping you to outline its goals, modules, and overall organization.

Defining Course Goals and Objectives Prompt: “The title of my course is [COURSE TITLE]. I need guidance in establishing clear, measurable objectives and goals for this course. What competencies or knowledge should students acquire by the course’s conclusion?”

Organizing Course Content into Modules Prompt: “My course on [COURSE TOPIC] needs a structured breakdown into modules or units. Each module will include 3–10 videos, with each video focusing on a single skill and lasting approximately 3–7 minutes. This approach of concise, manageable segments facilitates learner engagement and a sense of progress. I’m looking for suggestions on the composition of these modules, such as [MODULE 1], [MODULE 2], etc.”

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The Notion page showcases its platform designed for creating wikis, documents, and managing projects. It features an AI assistant, various templates, and is suitable for teams of all sizes. The platform caters to diverse professional groups and emphasizes community engagement and global events. For more details, you can visit their Notion page.


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